How To Tidy Up Your Home In A Rush


After I arrive from work I try really hard to do a bit of housekeeping. Anything from cleaning the light switches, making sure the kid's room is tidy before bedtime, to hoovering my lamp shades, small tasks that will save me time during the weekend. I also do the washing up and give a bit of a clean to the kitchen, not forgetting to sweep the kitchen floor at the end of the day.

REMEMBER: A little bit every day will make your day off a proper day off!

BUT I know not everyone can do it this way, so, if you went lazy on the home front and forgot that your mother/a friend or someone very special is arriving in a couple of hours, and you suddenly start to see all the things that need be done around the house, do not panic! This is what I used to do to give the house a quick tidy (and sometimes I still do it!).



3. RADIO OR PLAYLIST ON (my favorite station is radio 4!)

And then, follow these easy steps and you will be OK!


Start in the first place guests will see. Tidy the best you can!

- No coats on the floor

- No shoes

- No bags

- No rubbish


- Pick up books 

- Fold blankets

- Collect mugs and glasses

- Straighten the sofas and pillows


- Wipe the toilet with wet wipes

- Pour a bit of bleach or Flash to make it smell nice

- Give a wipe to the taps with a cloth soaked in a bit of vinegar to give them a shine. Rinse them afterward. 

- Wipe the toothpaste from the sink

- Check that the bath has no rings around it

- Give a wipe to all the bottles of shampoo and bath bottles around the bath


- Use a cordless vacuum cleaner. After years of not wanting one, because I thought they did not work properly, I just fell in love with the DYSON V8! For these kinds of days, they are a life saver!

- Go around the house and give a quick hoover to the floors. Just go straight up the carpet and pick up any bits of rubbish.


This is the worst part of the house!

- Put the recycling out

- Tidy the worktops

- Give a wipe to the worktop of the cooker (when I'm short of time I use wet wipes!)

- Clean the fridge door

- If you have a dishwasher put everything inside, including parts of the cooker (make sure they are dishwasher safe!)

- Do the washing up (if you don't have a dishwasher or have things that need to be washed by hand!)


If you have time do it, do it. If not just close the door (it's very naughty of me but I did this a few times in the past!)

- Make the bed

- Pick up any clothes from the floor, sort out what is clean and dirty. Ikea has an amazing bathroom cupboard with two holes on the doors, one for whites, and the other for colours. 

- Take any glasses and mugs that are around (if you remember this every day it'll be one less thing to do!)

And that's it. Hopefully, your house is clean and tidy in no time at all!