There is nothing like the smell of freshly baked bread and eating it hot with a bit of butter or better still, dipping it still warm into a good olive oil with balsamic vinegar.

But how about cleaning that bowl you used to raise the bread.

In the begging I used to clean it straight away, it was so messy you would not believe it. The dough was so sticky, it would stick to everything - scourer, my fingers let alone blocking the sink.

One day I just decided to leave it for next day. It was the best thing I ever did.

After that day this is the way I do it

1 Leave the bowl to be clean next day 

2 With the bread cutter scrape the bowl

3  Minutes later, you end up with a clean bowl

 4 Whatever you do, do not pour the dry dough down the sink - you do not want to block the drains with it - Just pour into your recyclable food bag

5 Wash it with hot water, fairy liquid and rinse

 6 Voila. Clean bowl without mess and no sweat