
 MORNING AND AFTERNOON ROUTINE is a routine I created for myself.  I know there are a few of you who works by shifts and have children (that makes a routine very difficult, I have been there ), but this is just a guideline and a bit of help.

You can create your own routine


1 Make the bed Or sometimes I let it open to air it.

2 Take out any glasses from the bedroom

3 Pick dirty clothes from the floor and put them in the communal dirty basket (in my house we only have ONE basket for dirty clothes. It tends to make my life easy if starts to get full is time to do a wash)     

5 Take the rubbish out( 1st out of the house will take it)

6 If I have enough dirty laundry,  I leave it by the washing machine (1st to arrive will start it )

REMEMBER NOT TO FORGET ABOUT YOURSELF.  allocate 20 minutes every morning to get yourself ready for the day.





IF you did a wash,  take clothes out of the machine and hang them

Prepare Dinner

Do 1 one of your house chores   

Tidy the kitchen 

Arrange  lunch boxes for the next day

Try to decide what to have for dinner the flowing day

REMEMBER I have allocated at least 1 hour a day for myself (not always is possible) to have a ME TIME (Mine is after the kids are in bed and my partner is having his own ME TIME)



     1 - Bedroom  - dust, hoover & wash floors...

    2 - Bathroom  - give a good clean (giving good attention to the tiles by the bathtub/shower, taps and toilet) hoover & wash floors

    3 - Main hall  - dust & hoover

    4 - Kitchen     - remove everything from worktops (I do 1 section a week, do not want to overdo it ) give a good clean to the cooker, clean the sink with bleach and remove watermarks (see removing watermarks) a good hoover & wash floors.

      I make sure all sports clothes &  work or school uniforms are washed and packed ready for the  week ahead 

      As you see, if I keep to my routine the weekend is a breeze, usually, it will take US 3 hours to do all housework.