If your beautiful wool or cashmere clothes start to appear with little holes like the one above, you should take fast action, because, you have a MOTH INFESTATION. Take action as quickly as possible, they will not wait, in less than a few days you will see moths flying all around the house.

 If it is really bad, the best way to eliminate them is to call pest control, they will spray your home from carpets, curtains to upholsteries.


BUT YOU CAN PREVENT an infestation to happen, following 6 simple rules.

1 If you find your clothes with little holes, do not through them away, pack them individually inside a ziploc bags and freeze them for a couple of weeks. PLEASE REMEMBER when is time to remove them from the  freezer do not wash them before repairing the damage done by the MOTHS, you only going to make the hole even bigger

2 Remove all the other clothes from the cupboards and wardrobe, give a good wipe with a damp cloth 

3 Spray the shelves  with  "ACANA" fabric moth killer" before putting your clothes back

4 keep your most precious tops inside ziploc bags with "ZEN SECT" balls

5 Add to your wardrobe, jacket pockets and shelves some of "ZEN SECT"  balls. (I like this ones because the colour fades with time, helping you to know is time to replace them).

6 Check your best wool and cashmere clothes regularly, if you see any moth take action.

I also add little homemade lavender bags to my cupboards. 

Every 6 weeks spray your home and clothes with a moth killer.

Doing this regularly will prevent them from nesting in your clothes or home.

So next time you see one of these little moths flying around your home take action