How To Sort Your Washing

Ok, time to do a wash, but what can you wash together? Well, I follow these simple

 1  Always read the label and follow the instructions

2  White with white unless they're pale colours like blue/green/grey

 3 Very dark colours together

You will see I have different blues and even a light blue one in the same pile, I did add the light blue because the color faded over the years and I want to make it a bit darker. Let's see if it works

4 Red with orange and dark pink

5 Anything new with vibrant colours I wash them on their own to make sure they do not run

6 Open the buttons on the shirts

7 If you're washing anything with zips make sure you close them (they tend to last longer and do not get damaged in the wash)

8 Check the pockets, there is nothing more annoying than finding out once the washing is finding bits of papers or even worse USB pens

9 Check if the clothes do not have stains, paying special attention to collars and under the arms, also ar for bad smells from under the arms

10 If you are doing a quick wash always use liquid detergent, the powder tends not to dissolve so well

In time you will figure out what you can mix together safely. Some colours, does not matter how old they are, always run. For example, I just had an accident with my son's fitted sheet, (it's at least 6 years old). I mixed this fuchsia sheet with a duvet cover that was black and white, well was black and white when it went in and when it came out it was black and soft PINK! Oops!

As you can see after so many years, I still make mistakes, so do not get cross with yourself. You are just starting now.