It does not matter how careful one is when packing in order to travel by plane but sometimes things tend to over-leak in middle air.

This happen to my friend Beth and she asked me if I knew how to clean it.

I had never encountered this problem before so I had to put my thinking hat on.

I had a look at it, some bits of the nail polish were dried others were still wet.

They were already damaged beyond repair so I could not do any more damage (please if you are dealing with expensive jewelry do take them to a professional)

So this is what I used and did.

List of things that a used to clean

- Nail polish

- Cotton pads (any other cotton will leave bits behind).

- A clean and very soft cloth in order to polish

- Paper towel, to cover my working area (do not want to spread the polish all over the place)

- Fairy liquid

The steps I took in order to remove the nail polish

1- For the bits that were dry I went with my fingers nails and gently, I tried to remove them.

2 - Put a few drops of nail polish into a cotton pad and very very gently I went around the earring.

3 - Rinsed and double checked to see if the colour did not faded with the nail polish (because I could not see no damage I carry on).

4 - Check the cotton pad and see if is not saturated with the nail polish (if that is the case use a new one)

5 - Double checked that all nail polish was gone, give a good wash with look warm water and with fairy liquid to remove any residue of the nail polish remover.

6 - Then dried them and give them a good polish.

I and Beth were very happy with the result.

She had her earrings back and I learn a new thing.

PS REMEMBER also to clean the nail polish bottle thoroughly and remember next time to put any liquids in a separate zip lock bag.

Safe travels to everyone