Most of us are trying to do a thousand things at the time, but in the process, we forget to look after things that are staring at us every day.

When was the last time you had a proper look at the glass that holds your toothbrush? You might have a big surprise, it might look like this one. 

That's the way your toothbrushes will end up looking if you let them stay in that muck 

I found a routine that if followed can avoid this problem, only takes 3 seconds you just have to start from scratch

STEP 1 - Disinfect  first the cup with some bleach and the ends of the toothbrushes

STEP 2 - Rise really well with plenty of water

STEP 3 - Put some paper no the bottom of the glass 

STEP4 - Your tooth bushes inside and they are good to go

STEP 5 -Nice and dry, at lest for a week or so.

So every time you put your brush back in the glass,  just have a look inside, if needed change the paper and you will never ever have to look at such a disgusting thing.