When we buy new clothes is either we fell in love with them or we need them, either way, we have to look after them. I have clothes that are at least 30 years old. Because I took care of them when it comes to washing, drying or hanging they look new. If you follow this steps, your favourite jumper can even be worn by your children in the future.

My stages are

1 Look for stains and spray them with stain remover - I like Ace

2 When is time to wash I always turn my delicate clothes inside out, then put them inside a little wash bag

3 Never over load the machine drum  

4 Always use Woolite (until now my favourite soap for delicate clothes) with a bit of Ace and Comfort pure as a softer

 5 I Either  wash them in cold  water or at 30c, in the dedicated program with very little spin             

6 Soon the program finish I take them out from the machine, give them a good shake and dry them flat

I even take care of the most robust garments. Take for example this bathrobe belt, goes inside a bag  (they tend to fray less if you put them inside a  washing bag)